SQL Read Only User
Source: SQL Management Studio – How to create read only users – IT Support Guides
Various IT related article
SQL Read Only User
Source: SQL Management Studio – How to create read only users – IT Support Guides
Another example of PowerShell copy files with timestamp
Source: how to use powershell to copy file and retain original timestamp – Stack Overflow
PowerShell Copy files with TimeStamp
Source: how to use powershell to copy file and retain original timestamp – Stack Overflow
Powershell with filename with timestamp extension
I have a path in a string, “C:\temp\mybackup.zip” I would like insert a timestamp in that script, for example, “C:\temp\mybackup 2009-12-23.zip” Is there an easy way to do this in PowerShell?
Source: TimeStamp on file name using PowerShell – Stack Overflow
VBA and Timer doesn’t go well
Source: ms access – vba intellisense very annoying behavior – Stack Overflow
Logically, the select
clause is one of the last parts of a query evaluated, so the aliases and derived columns are not available. (Except to order by
, which logically happens last.)
Using a derived table is away around this:
select *
from (SELECT a, b, a+b as TOTAL FROM (
select 7 as a, 8 as b FROM DUAL
select 8 as a, 8 as b FROM DUAL
select 0 as a, 0 as b FROM DUAL)
Source: sql – There is a way to use a calculated field in the where clause? – Stack Overflow
Returns a Variant (Date) containing a date to which a specified time interval has been added.
Source: DateAdd Function – Access
docker build -t node:arm .